Materi Discussion Text

Materi Bimbel hari ini adalah Discussion Text, yuk simak materinya dan selamat belajar!

1. Definition:
Discussion text is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion text is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social text.
2. Purpose:
a) to explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision.
b) to present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue ('for' and 'against' points)

3. Text Organization:
a) Opening statement presenting the issue
b) Arguments or evidence for different points of view (pros and cons)
c) Concluding recommendation

4. Language Features:
- Using general nouns (e.g.: alcohol, abortion, smoking, cloning, etc.)
- Using relating verbs (e.g.: is, are, etc.)
- Using thinking verbs (e.g.: think, feel, hope, believe, etc.)
- Using additive connectives (e.g.: in addition, furthermore, besides, etc.)
- Using contrastive connectives (e.g.: although, even if, nevertheless, etc.)
- Using causal connectives (e.g.: because, because of, etc.)
- Using modalities (e.g.: perhaps, must, should, etc.)
- Using adverbs of manner (e.g.: hopefully, deliberately, etc.)

5. Discussion Text:
The Controversy of Harnessing Solar Energy
We often hear about solar cars, solar heating, and solar batteries. But will solar energy ever be a major source of energy for society?

Argument 'for':
Solar energy is cheaper than other fossil fuels because we can get an abundant source from the sun.
In sunny desert areas, 50% of the sun's radiation that reaches the ground could be used to produce electricity for business and industry, to provide heat, light, and hot water for homes. Experimental solar ponds can also produce hot water to drive generators.

Argument 'against':
Unfortunately, we can't yet power our homes entirely on sunlight.
Solar energy can only be used effectively in bright light. Its greatest potential, therefore is in hot countries that have clear skies for most of the year. But, unfortunately most houses are not always in the sunniest part of the world. Moreover, in order to harness solar power solar cells are needed to convert sunlight directly into electricity. Solar cells are very cheap to run, but relatively expensive to buy and many people can't afford them.

Needless to say, solar energy is a useful and non-pollution source of energy. Unfortunately, solar cells, the main device to harness the sun's energy are still very expensive.

6. Find Out:
1) What is the purpose of this text?
2) What do you call this kind of text?
3) Explain the following terms in your own words!
     a. What is the content of the issue?
     b. What does the argument 'for' consist of?
     c. What does the argument 'against' consist of?
     d. What is the content of the conclusion?
4) What do you think of the speaker's attitude? Partial or impartial? How do you know?
5) The text above is mostly written in the ... tense.
6) Write all the technical terms that you can find in the text.


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